〈 What is Kimono? 〉

The kimono is a traditional Japanese garment. Its history goes back to the late 8th century. As the Japanese - value the power of nature and the beauty of their four seasons -, Kimono contains patterns that are related to the seasons such as flowers, birds, animals, and so on. Most of the Kimonos are delicately dyed and woven with silk by craftsmen to create their detailed designs of them.

〈 What does ‘NAJIMI’ mean? 〉

NAJIMI(馴染み) is a Japanese word that stands for suit/ fit/ adapt in English. It’s a word to express the situation - when things are coexisting naturally and comfortably-.

〈 Brand story 〉

In modern society, due to the progress of industrialization, we have little opportunity to wear a kimono which takes time and effort to make and even to wear. The kimono industry in Japan is declining year by year. There are so many kimonos that are not worn anymore and are treated way as waste. I consider each Kimono as a beautiful art piece that has a different meaning and a story to tell. As I pondered a way to bring back these art pieces into modern life, it led me to this idea. Japan has long been flexible to incorporate the ideas of various cultures and religions to transform and improve. In this project, I would like to do so myself, and I will try to create a product that would NAJIMU (suit, feel comfortable) into everybody's lifestyle. *NAJIMI(noun) in verb “NAJIMU” To incorporate the traditional Japanese spirit of respecting nature as much as possible, we try to restrain putting harm to nature, by using second-hand kimonos and other fabrics when producing the products. I hope that the Kimono will enrich people's lives, and to NAJIMU into a sustainable society.